Sammy is now entering into the early training phase of his development.
At the Dogs for the Disabled Centre Sammy is being encouraged to take part in activities such as walking calmly in all environments, pushing and pulling “games” and is settling into life in the kennels whilst all the time building on his relationship with his trainer.
He will then proceed to more advanced tasks such as retrieving articles from the ground (keys, inhalers, tv remotes), pushing buttons to enter banks and lifts and help to remove outdoor clothing such as coats, hats and gloves.
When he has passed this final phase he will be passed on to an instructor where his skills and abilities will be finely tuned to match a prospective partner.
The final objective is for Sammy to be partnered with a disabled person whose life he can dramatically change and improve. We are so proud of Sammy’s achievements so far and we are truly grateful for all your help in raising the sponsorship for this wonderful doggy.