We hope you are well and getting used to the autumnal weather. It’s very quickly heading towards Christmas, which can be a fun time for all but also stressful for some. In September, some of our team took part in daily breathwork sessions online for a month; this was a brilliant way of instilling a new habit which is helping us to start each day positively. We hope to continue this practice over the coming months.
This month, we share more information about our team and some events we have participated in over the past few months. We will attend the CCMS Conference in London at the end of this month.
As Christmas festivities start, we have entered a team into the Annual Christmas Curry & Quiz organised by Anthony Collins Solicitors. We also look forward to our Team Christmas Lunch at Browns Brasserie. Plenty to get us in the festive mood.
Click here to view the full newsletter – November 2023 Newsletter